Hybrid Fitted Seconds Sale

Friday, February 28 at 9 PM EST (6PM PST) I am starting my bi-monthly stockings at The Wading Pool on Facebook! You’ll need to Join the Group here: The Wading Pool I lost my sew-jo folks. I’m a little disappointed in how this batch of diapers turned out. It sort of stresses me out. But. Maybe ...

Stocking Preview: The Wading Pool

Next Stocking: Thursday, February 13 at NOON EST I am starting my bi-monthly stockings at The Wading Pool on Facebook! You’ll need to Join the Group here: The Wading Pool This week will be fleece longies love and a hybrid fitted or two. I made a Jack hybrid fiited since it’s my most frequently asked for ...

January Hybrid Fitted Stocking Preview

STOCKING: Hybrid Fitteds, a lone Pocket Diaper and a couple pairs of monkey butt pants WHEN: Saturday, January at 9PM EST WHERE: Etsy PRICE: Introductory Pricing still active and prices include US shipping (international additional but discounted): Hybrid Fitteds: $25.99 & $29.99 (price dependent on fabric) All of the Hybrid Fitted diapers have a Windpro® fleece hidden. ...

Diapering Cost Survey

As you might know we cloth diaper. And I’ve always wanted to get a true sense of how much cloth diapering costs vs. using disposables. Regardless of which diaper system you choose, I would love your feedback! Just fill out the appropriate section (either disposable users or cloth diaper users). There’s only about 10 questions ...

Hybrid Fitted Stocking & Giveaway

{Giveaway Over} STOCKING: Hybrid Fitteds WHEN: Friday, November 8, 2013 at noon EST WHERE: Etsy PRICE: Introductory Pricing at $23.99. Seconds priced dependent on issue. SHIPPING: I will be continuing with the shipping promo. If you’ve already bought something from me, shipping will be $1. Please remind me by commenting in the Notes at check ...

Grand Opening Giveaway

{Giveaway Over} I’m finally getting this in gear. Can you believe it? Not to bore you with details…but life gets in the way. I’ve decided on a couple things since you all have waited so patiently. Through the month of October, I will give you $1 shipping after your initial order at RDS. So if ...