Diapering Cost Survey

Pocket DiapersAs you might know we cloth diaper. And I’ve always wanted to get a true sense of how much cloth diapering costs vs. using disposables. Regardless of which diaper system you choose, I would love your feedback! Just fill out the appropriate section (either disposable users or cloth diaper users). There’s only about 10 questions so it should go fast. I will be blogging about it but all responses are anonymous.

If the plug in doesn’t work (please try refresh) or If you’re mobile, the plug-in below might not scroll properly so here is a direct link to the form – https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1_KhEMxWlX_lEyyD2rRnQm1P7tkgvq5F9qaE9t-N2ESM/viewform

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